

Extremely dry skin affects one child in five. If the signs are unpleasant (redness, itching sensations, dryness, etc.), they are not rare, nor contagious to other children, and not irreversible.

Written in partnership with Dr. Clarence De BELILOVSKY, dermatologist; member of the Mustela experts circle.

Extremely dry skin: is when the body produces too many specific antibodies: immunoglobulins E (IgE). In the presence of allergens, the immune system will overreact: this is an allergy. Atopy can take several forms: it affects the skin but other signs can also exist like asthma, hay fever, conjunctivitis, and so on.

Allergen Allergens correspond to substances that provoke an allergic reaction among certain people when they are confronted with it. It can be found in the environment (pollen, mites, pets’ hairs) as well as in food.

Dermo-corticoid Dermo-corticoids are medicines with corticoids for local application on the skin to cure certain inflammations. Flare-up Sudden skin rash. Pruritus Itching of the skin, more or less intense. In some cases, some skincare products can immediately reduce itching by up to 95%. Dermatitis Dermatitis describes a skin inflammation.

And what about dermatosis? Dermatosis covers all skin afflictions. Extremely dry skin is both dermatosis and dermatitis.