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  • Atopic eczema, dry skin in babies, how to talk about it at daycare?

    Updated on July 19, 2024
    Eczema_atopique_secheresse_cutanee_de_bebe_comment_en_parler_a_la_creche - Mustela Canada - 1

    Written in partnership with Dr Clarence De BELILOVSKY, dermatologist member of the Mustela circle of experts. START A DIALOGUE WITH THE PURICE CULTURAL ON THE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS OF ATOPIC ECZEMA IN YOUR BABY It is time to entrust your child to nursery or school. Is it also time to open up about your atopic eczema? Why not. First of all because there is no shame in being touched by it. Atopic dermatitis is certainly a skin problem but a fairly common problem and, above all, non-contagious. You will also perhaps realize that the childcare worker, the teacher or any other contact at the establishment will already be well informed about this event. With nearly 15% of infants affected and 20% of children under the age of seven affected1, yours will certainly not be an exception. Afterwards, all this obviously remains a personal question. It will always be up to you to decide according to the sensitivity of your child, the context, the interlocutors... ATOPIC ECZEMA: ADVICE AND PRACTICES TO FACILITATE LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY Now, rest assured, if you hesitate to talk about it, it will not be Nor is it a question of dwelling on the details. Notifying the teaching staff from the first visits has the sole purpose of allowing you to welcome, support and understand your child throughout the year: - He is tired, grumpy... He slept badly because of a flare-up ? You will only have to say one word when you arrive in the morning so that the team is not surprised by your bad mood, your sleepiness or your lack of concentration. At nursery or in a small section, she can even try to get him to catch up on a few hours of sleep if the opportunity arises. - Does he have some red patches? Maybe. And if these classmates or their parents observe all these red spots with suspicion or concern, the team will be able to explain them to them, reassure them and ensure that your child is not left aside. You can even discuss important information to communicate: atopic eczema is not a lack of hygiene. And once again, there is no risk of passing it on to your little neighbor! - If he itches, you might as well pamper him! By being informed, the team will pay particular attention to him when changing his diaper, dressing him, etc. - Everyone has their place! If the tables in the classroom are assigned for the whole year, your child's table should be away from a heat source such as a radiator or a window exposed to direct sunlight. By warning your teacher about your eczema and the environmental factors that can trigger it, he or she will be able to choose a suitable location for it. - Do certain foods promote atopic dermatitis? Only your doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis. If necessary, he will suggest setting up an Individualized Reception Project (PAI). In the meantime, same diet for everyone! If you still don't know what to do, one last criterion can help you make your choice: what stresses you the least? To talk about it or not to say anything? Sometimes the best is simply your intuition. 1 Source: Atopic Dermatitis Foundation