The sun is vital and we all like to enjoy it because it plays a huge role in our mood. In addition, its radiation participates in the synthesis of vitamin D, essential for our good health. But there is no point in overdoing it... A few minutes a day are enough to benefit from its benefits. In the event of overexposure, ultraviolet radiation can quickly have serious harmful effects in the more or less long term: sunburn, increased number of moles, skin aging, skin cancer, etc. And the risks of UV rays , children are particularly vulnerable due to the immaturity of their skin. Learn more about the dangers of the sun to properly protect your baby! UV RAYS The sun emits a set of light rays that reach the Earth: ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared. UV rays represent only a small fraction of the solar energy that reaches us, but their impact on the skin is major. They are broken down into several categories according to their wavelength: • UVA rays, at the longest wavelengths, are responsible for rapid tanning but also for aging and wrinkles of the skin, because they penetrate deep into the tissues skin and damage it. • UVB rays, at medium wavelengths, are responsible for slow tanning, sunburn, aging of the skin and skin cancer. They are very harmful to the body. • UVC rays, at the shortest wavelengths, are the most harmful. Fortunately, these rays do not reach the Earth's surface because they are absorbed by the atmosphere. BABIES' SKIN FACING THE SUNAdult skin is capable of defending itself from the sun's attacks provided it is not overexposed . The surface layer of the skin, melanin and cellular repair mechanisms participate in this natural photoprotection. But in babies and young children, these defense mechanisms are still immature, which makes them particularly vulnerable to the sun: • Babies' skin is thinner and more sensitive. • Its protective barrier function is still not very effective, and UV rays penetrate it more easily.• Babies' immune systems are still immature and poorly defend their skin against UV attacks.• Babies' pigmentary system, intended to protect their skin, is still poorly developed.• The skin of babies babies is rich in a unique but fragile cellular potential that it is essential to protect for their long-term health. • Finally, babies' sweating is still scanty, which makes them more sensitive to temperature variations, blows heat and dehydration. THE HARMFUL CONSEQUENCES OF THE SUN Sunburn, immediate and painful, is not the only consequence of excessive UV exposure. Over the years, too prolonged exposure and repeated sunburns lead to accelerated aging of the skin, the weakening of immune defenses, and in certain cases cause skin cancer and cataracts which can lead to blindness.More , solar attacks during childhood irrevocably degrade the skin's defense system: the skin accumulates toxic free radicals, its repair capacity decreases and the cellular damage is permanent. Thus, skin weakened by sunburn, particularly before the age of 10, will always remain vulnerable. It is therefore essential to limit your baby's sun exposure as much as possible and to protect their skin as best as possible, with sun protection products. high index (SPF 50 +), specifically designed for children and adapted to your baby's skin type. By protecting your child from the sun, you will help significantly reduce the risk of them developing skin cancer as an adult. To find out more about the right actions to protect your child from the sun, consult our advice sheet.
- #Activités
- #L'éveil de bébé
The dangers of the sun
Updated on
January 10, 2025