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  • Comment soigner une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé How to treat extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Comment reconnaitre une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé How to recognize extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau très sensible? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is very sensitive skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Qu'est ce qu'une peau normale? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What is normal skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Quels vêtements privilégier pour une peau Peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé What clothing to choose for extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Mon bébé dort mal à cause de l'eczéma atopique, que faire? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé My baby sleeps poorly because of atopic eczema, what should I do?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    La toilette : quels gestes adopter en cas de peau extrêmement sèche? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Washing: what actions to take in case of extremely dry skin?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Conseils d'application des soins - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Care application tips
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Les bienfaits des soins émollients - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé The benefits of emollient treatments
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Idées reçues - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Stereotypes
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    #Le soin de bébé Glossary
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Les zones irritées - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Irritated areas
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Les Croûtes de lait - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Milk cradle caps
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le massage pour un moment d'éveil, de bien-être et de tendresse - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Massage for a moment of awakening, well-being and tenderness
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le rituel du change - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé The ritual of changing
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    Le bain, un moment privilégié pour votre bébé - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Bathing, a special moment for your baby
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    La toilette, un geste d'hygiène essentiel - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Washing, an essential hygiene gesture
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    L'hydratation, un geste indispensable pour une peau douce et confortable - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Hydration, an essential gesture for soft and comfortable skin
    Fragile and vulnerable, your baby's skin is also rich in unique cellular capital that it is essential to protect...
    En vacances, à quoi faut-il penser en cas de dermatite atopique? Destinations à privilégier? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Activités On vacation, what should you think about in case of atopic dermatitis? Favorite destinations?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Peau extrêmement sèche : influence du climat et des saison sur l'apparition des poussées? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Extremely dry skin: influence of climate and season on the appearance of breakouts?
    Your baby's skin is his protective envelope with the outside world. Because the skin plays a dual protective and...
    Comprendre les différences entre la dermatite de contact et la dermatite atopique - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé Understanding the differences between contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis
    Dermatitis is a common skin condition in babies and young children that is often a source of discomfort and worr...
    Comment préparer la peau de son enfant au climat du Québec? - Mustela Canada - 1
    #Le soin de bébé How to prepare your child's skin for the Quebec climate?
    Our complete guide to children's skin care to face the seasons in La Belle Province. Protect their delicate skin...